Behringer Stereo Amplifier AT108 User Manual

User’s manual  
Version 1ꢀ0 March 2005  
Ultracompact 15-Watt Acoustic Instrument Amplifier with VTC Technology  
Extremely versatile 2-channel acoustic instrument amplifier  
Powerful 20-Watt, 8" dual-cone speaker for wide frequency response  
Additional microphone input with separate volume control  
VTC Virtual Tube Circuitry for tube-like sound  
Ultramusical 3-band EQ for both mic and instrument channel  
CD input allows you to play along to your favorite music  
Separate headphone output—perfect for quiet practicing  
Rugged construction for years of trouble-free use  
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany  
Dear musician,  
1ꢀ INTRODUCTION ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ 4  
Congratulations and  
thank you very much for  
purchasing the AT108,  
BEHRINGER’s newest  
addition to the acoustic  
instrument amp familyꢀ  
1ꢀ1 Before you get started ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ 5  
1ꢀ1ꢀ1 Shipment ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ 5  
1ꢀ1ꢀ2 Initial operation ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ 5  
1ꢀ1ꢀ3 Online registration ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ 5  
2ꢀ WIRING TIPS ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ5  
3ꢀ CONTROL ELEMENTS ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ6  
4ꢀ AUDIO CONNECTIONS ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ7  
5ꢀ SPECIFICATIONS ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ7  
6ꢀ WARRANTY ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ8  
AT108 offers the latest  
in acoustic instrument  
amps, and is guaran-  
teed to be an inspiring  
companion wherever  
music takes youꢀ  
Had anybody told you a  
few years ago that one  
day you’d be able to buy  
an instrument amp with  
authentic tube sound at  
such an unbeatable  
price, you would have probably called him nutsꢀ But I wanted  
this amp to become reality, and now we’ve actually made it! With  
our ULTRACOUSTIC AT108 you can now follow in the footsteps  
of all the big guitar legendsꢀ Simply unpack it, plug it in and you’re  
ready to go! The ULTRACOUSTIC AT108 gives you everything  
your heart desiresꢀ  
Congratulations! By purchasing the AT108, you have obtained  
a first-class instrument amplifier that offers you the authentic  
tube-like sound in an amazingly compact housingꢀ The  
ULTRACOUSTIC AT108 amplifier was designed specifically for  
practicingꢀ An additional XLR microphone connector lets you  
mike up an acoustic guitar or use your AT108 as a vocal amplifier,  
thus giving you extra flexibilityꢀ  
What we really wanted was to give you a truly high-quality guitar  
ampꢀ Believe me: With all those years of experience under our  
belt, we know what an amp needs to put up withꢀ No matter how  
often you practice or how many sessions you have with your  
friends: when it comes to quality and sound, your  
ULTRACOUSTIC AT108 will give you years and years of pure  
VTC Virtual Tube Circuitry  
The VTC Virtual Tube Circuitry was specially developed to  
lend the instrument the unique character of classical tube ampsꢀ  
Now, just in case you’re wondering how we can offer such a  
high-quality guitar amp at such an unbelievably low priceꢀꢀꢀ the  
answer is totally simple: it’s thanks to you! Many satisfied  
customers means large volumes of units soldꢀ Many units sold  
means better purchase prices for components, and so onꢀ So, we  
just passed this price advantage on to youꢀ It’s only fair, isn’t it?  
Jam it up!  
With its CD player input, your AT108 is the ultimate practice  
amp, because it couldn’t be easier to play along to your favorite  
musicꢀ If you don’t want anybody listening to what you’re playing,  
or simply wish to avoid disturbing the neighbors, just use your  
headphonesꢀ The BEHRINGER HPS3000 is ideal just for thatꢀ  
Enough talk nowꢀ One day, when you’re one of those legendary  
guitarists yourself, we hope you’ll say that your first real guitar  
amp was a BEHRINGERꢀ In that case, you have made a dream  
come true for us, tooꢀ  
A companion for life!  
The electronic components in your ULTRACOUSTIC AT108 have  
been built into a robust metal enclosure for maximum protectionꢀ  
The cabinet is made of high-grade wood covered with durable  
vinylꢀ The AT108 will never let you down, even when the going  
gets toughꢀ  
Please read the manual carefully and keep it around  
for future reference!  
We wish you lots of success!  
Thank you very much,  
High volume levels can damage your hearing or your  
headphones! Please turn down all volume controls  
to zero (all the way to the left) before you power up  
the amp! Always make sure you use appropriate  
volume levels!  
Uli Behringer  
1ꢀ1 Before you get started  
1ꢀ1ꢀ1 Shipment  
Your AT108 was carefully packed at the factory, and the  
packaging was designed to protect the unit from rough handlingꢀ  
Nevertheless, we recommend that you carefully examine the  
packaging and its contents for any signs of physical damage  
that may have occurred during transitꢀ  
If the unit is damaged, please do NOT return it to  
BEHRINGER! Instead, notify your dealer and the  
shipping company immediately! Otherwise, claims  
for damage or replacement may not be honored!  
Always use the original packing carton to prevent  
damage during storage or transport!  
Make sure that no children are left unsupervised  
with the AT108 or its packaging!  
Please ensure proper disposal of all packing  
1ꢀ1ꢀ2 Initial operation  
Be sure that there is enough space around the unit for coolingꢀ  
To avoid overheating, please do not place the ULTRACOUSTIC  
near radiators and other equipment emanating heatꢀ  
Please keep in mind that all the equipment has to  
be grounded at all times! For your own protection,  
never change or disable the grounding on your  
equipment or on the cables! The unit shall always  
be connected to the mains socket outlet with a  
protective earthing connection!  
1ꢀ1ꢀ3 Online registration  
Please do remember to register your new BEHRINGER  
equipment right after your purchase by visiting  
wwwꢀbehringerꢀcom (alternatively wwwꢀbehringerꢀde) and  
kindly read the terms and conditions of our warranty carefullyꢀ  
Should your BEHRINGER product malfunction, our goal is to  
have it repaired as quickly as possibleꢀ To arrange for warranty  
service, please contact the retailer from whom the equipment  
was purchasedꢀ Should your BEHRINGER dealer not be located  
in your vicinity, you may directly contact one of our subsidiariesꢀ  
Corresponding contact information is included in the original  
equipment packaging (Global Contact Information/European  
Contact Information)ꢀ Should your country not be listed, please  
contact the distributor nearest youꢀ A list of distributors can be  
found in the support area of our website (wwwꢀbehringerꢀcom/  
Figꢀ 2ꢀ1: Setup example using the ULTRACOUSTIC AT108  
Figꢀ 2ꢀ2 shows a recommended setup for amplifying the sound  
of your AT108 using a sound reinforcement system of any sizeꢀ  
This way, you can also use your amp for playing live or for  
rehearsals with your bandꢀ  
Registering your purchase and equipment with us helps us  
process your repair claims quicker and more efficientlyꢀ  
Thank you for your cooperation!  
Figꢀ 2ꢀ1 and 2ꢀ2 show you how to connect your guitar and  
your microphone to the amplifierꢀ  
If you want to use an effects pedal (for example, the  
BEHRINGER X V-AMP) to experiment with some out-of-the-  
ordinary sounds, you can connect your guitar directly to the  
input of the effects processorꢀ Then, connect a second cable  
from the effects output to the input on your ampꢀ  
If you have an electronic tuner, please be sure to insert it pre  
effects device, so that the tuner only receives a dry signal without  
effects componentsꢀ  
X V-AMP: no additional tuner requiredꢀ  
The built-in loudspeaker is disabled automatically  
when you plug in the headphones  
Figꢀ 2ꢀ2: Live setup  
Figꢀ 3ꢀ1: Control elements  
The MIC INPUT connector is a balanced XLR microphone  
Connect your instrument to the INSTR(UMENT) INPUT  
jack, using a standard instrument cable equipped with 1/4"  
TS connectorsꢀ  
The MIC VOL(UME) control determines the volume level of  
the microphone channelꢀ  
The INSTR(UMENT) VOL(UME) control determines the  
volume level of the instrument channelꢀ  
Figꢀ 3ꢀ2 Serial number  
Use the CD INPUT to connect the output of your CD player,  
tape deck, CD or MD walkmanꢀ This way you can play  
along to music or guitar tutorial CDsꢀ  
No matter which way you adjust the controls on your amp: the  
sound of your instrument or microphone also has some influence  
on the overall soundꢀ We would therefore like to give you a few  
tips to get you startedꢀ  
This connector is a 1/4" TRS jackꢀ If your CD player is  
equipped with cinch outputs, you’ll need an adapter cable,  
which you can buy at your local music shopꢀ Illustration 4ꢀ4  
in chapter 4ꢀ “AUDIO CONNECTIONS” shows you what  
kind of adapter to buyꢀ You can also use a mono cable  
(figꢀ 4ꢀ5)ꢀ This will not damage your CD player or ampꢀ  
Most guitars sound best when their tone and  
volume controls are turned up as much as possible!  
The LOW control allows you to boost or cut the low-  
frequency rangeꢀ  
Experiment with the controls to find out how you can modify  
the sound to your likingꢀ Experienced guitarists write down their  
favorite settings or attach stickies underneath the controlsꢀ  
With the MID control you can boost/cut the mid-range  
The HIGH control adjusts the high-frequency range to give  
your instrument a more “cutting” soundꢀ  
The HEADPHONES jack is for headphonesꢀ When you  
plug in your headphones, the built-in loudspeaker is mutedꢀ  
The headphone signal can also be routed to a mixing  
console or sound reinforcement system! Connect  
the headphone output on your AT108 to the line  
input (LINE IN) on the console (for example,  
mono cable for this application!  
Some headphones produce distortion if the volume  
level is too high! Please cut back the volume control  
until the distortion disappears!  
Use the POWER switch to switch on your AT108ꢀ The  
POWER switch should be set to “Off” before you connect  
your amp to the mainsꢀ  
Please note: The POWER switch does not disconnect  
the unit from the mains! Unplug the power cord  
when you don’t want to use the unit for some time!  
Except for the microphone input, the inputs and outputs are  
laid out as 1/4" connectorsꢀ More information about the connectors  
can be found in chapter 5, “SPECIFICATIONSꢀ” Please refer to  
Figꢀ 2ꢀ1 and 2ꢀ2 to learn about hooking up your ampꢀ  
Please keep in mind that all the equipment has to  
be grounded at all times! For your own protection,  
never change or disable the grounding on your  
equipment or on the cables! The unit shall always  
be connected to the mains socket outlet with a  
protective earthing connection!  
Figꢀ 4ꢀ4: Stereo adapter cable  
Figꢀ 4ꢀ1: 1/4" TS plug for the INSTRUMENT INPUT (mono)  
Figꢀ 4ꢀ5: Mono adapter cable  
Instrument input  
Connector 1/4" TS mono connector  
Connector balanced XLR  
CD input  
Connector 1/4" TRS stereo connector  
Headphone output  
Connector 1/4" TRS stereo connector  
Figꢀ 4ꢀ2: 1/4" TRS for headphones or CD input  
Power amp output  
15 Watts  
8" dual-cone full-range loudspeaker  
Power rating  
20 Watts  
Mains voltage  
USA/Canada 120 V~, 60 Hz  
UꢀKꢀ/Australia 230 V~, 50 Hz  
230 V~, 50 Hz  
100 V~, 50 - 60 Hz  
(H x W x D)  
Figꢀ 4ꢀ3: XLR connections  
approxꢀ 322 mm (13 1/8")  
x 357 mm (14 1/16")  
x 162 mm (6 3/8")  
approxꢀ 5ꢀ6 kg (11 lbsꢀ 3 ozꢀ)  
BEHRINGER is constantly striving to maintain the highest professional standardsꢀ  
As a result of these efforts, modifications may be made from time to time to existing  
products without prior noticeꢀ Specifications and appearance may differ from those  
listed or shownꢀ  
2ꢀ If the product needs to be modified or adapted in order to  
comply with applicable technical or safety standards on a national  
or local level, in any country which is not the country for which  
the product was originally developed and manufactured, this  
modification/adaptation shall not be considered a defect in  
materials or workmanshipꢀ The warranty does not cover any  
such modification/adaptation, irrespective of whether it was  
carried out properly or notꢀ Under the terms of this warranty,  
BEHRINGER shall not be held responsible for any cost resulting  
from such a modification/adaptationꢀ  
1ꢀ This warranty does not exclude or limit the buyer’s statutory  
rights provided by national law, in particular, any such rights  
against the seller that arise from a legally effective purchase  
2ꢀ The warranty regulations mentioned herein are applicable  
unless they constitute an infringement of national warranty lawꢀ  
3ꢀ Free inspections and maintenance/repair work are expressly  
excluded from this warranty, in particular, if caused by improper  
handling of the product by the userꢀ This also applies to defects  
caused by normal wear and tear, in particular, of faders,  
crossfaders, potentiometers, keys/buttons, tubes, guitar strings,  
illuminants and similar partsꢀ  
Please do remember to register your new BEHRINGER  
equipment right after your purchase by visiting  
wwwꢀbehringerꢀcom (alternatively wwwꢀbehringerꢀde) and  
kindly read the terms and conditions of our warranty carefullyꢀ  
Registering your purchase and equipment with us helps us  
process your repair claims quicker and more efficientlyꢀ Thank  
you for your cooperation!  
4ꢀ Damages/defects caused by the following conditions are  
not covered by this warranty:  
s improper handling, neglect or failure to operate the unit in  
compliance with the instructions given in BEHRINGER user  
or service manualsꢀ  
1ꢀ BEHRINGER (BEHRINGER International GmbH including all  
BEHRINGER subsidiaries listed on the enclosed page, except  
BEHRINGER Japan) warrants the mechanical and electronic  
components of this product to be free of defects in material and  
workmanship for a period of one (1) year* from the original date  
of purchase, in accordance with the warranty regulations  
described belowꢀ If the product shows any defects within the  
specified warranty period that are not excluded from this  
warranty as described under § 5, BEHRINGER shall, at its  
discretion, either replace or repair the product using suitable  
new or reconditioned partsꢀ In the case that other parts are used  
which constitute an improvement, BEHRINGER may, at its  
discretion, charge the customer for the additional cost of these  
s connection or operation of the unit in any way that does not  
comply with the technical or safety regulations applicable in  
the country where the product is usedꢀ  
s damages/defects caused by force majeure or any other  
condition that is beyond the control of BEHRINGERꢀ  
5ꢀ Any repair or opening of the unit carried out by unauthorized  
personnel (user included) will void the warrantyꢀ  
6ꢀ If an inspection of the product by BEHRINGER shows that  
the defect in question is not covered by the warranty, the  
inspection costs are payable by the customerꢀ  
2ꢀ If the warranty claim proves to be justified, the product will  
be returned to the user freight prepaidꢀ  
7ꢀ Products which do not meet the terms of this warranty will  
be repaired exclusively at the buyer’s expenseꢀ BEHRINGER will  
inform the buyer of any such circumstanceꢀ If the buyer fails to  
submit a written repair order within 6 weeks after notification,  
BEHRINGER will return the unit CꢀOꢀDꢀ with a separate invoice  
for freight and packingꢀ Such costs will also be invoiced  
separately when the buyer has sent in a written repair orderꢀ  
3ꢀ Warranty claims other than those indicated above are  
expressly excludedꢀ  
1ꢀ To obtain warranty service, the buyer (or his authorized  
dealer) must call BEHRINGER (see enclosed list) during normal  
business hours BEFORE returning the productꢀ All inquiries must  
be accompanied by a description of the problemꢀ BEHRINGER  
will then issue a return authorization numberꢀ  
This warranty is extended exclusively to the original buyer  
(customer of retail dealer) and is not transferable to anyone  
who may subsequently purchase this productꢀ No other person  
(retail dealer, etcꢀ) shall be entitled to give any warranty promise  
on behalf of BEHRINGERꢀ  
2ꢀ Subsequently, the product must be returned in its original  
shipping carton, together with the return authorization number to  
the address indicated by BEHRINGERꢀ  
3ꢀ Shipments without freight prepaid will not be acceptedꢀ  
Failure of BEHRINGER to provide proper warranty service shall  
not entitle the buyer to claim (consequential) damagesꢀ In no  
event shall the liability of BEHRINGER exceed the invoiced value  
of the productꢀ  
1ꢀ Warranty services will be furnished only if the product is  
accompanied by a copy of the original retail dealer’s invoiceꢀ  
Any product deemed eligible for repair or replacement under the  
terms of this warranty will be repaired or replacedꢀ  
* Customers in the European Union please contact BEHRINGER  
Germany Support for further detailsꢀ  
Technical specifications and appearance subject to change without noticeꢀ The information contained herein is correct at the time of  
printingꢀ The names of companies, institutions or publications pictured or mentioned and their respective logos are registered trademarks  
of their respective ownersꢀ Their use neither constitutes a claim of the trademarks by BEHRINGER® nor affiliation of the trademark  
owners with BEHRINGER®ꢀ BEHRINGER® accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either  
wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained hereinꢀ Colours and specification may vary slightly from  
productꢀ Products are sold through our authorised dealers onlyꢀ Distributors and dealers are not agents of BEHRINGER® and have  
absolutely no authority to bind BEHRINGER® by any express or implied undertaking or representationꢀ No part of this manual may be  
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind,  
for any purpose, without the express written permission of BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbHꢀ BEHRINGER® is a registered  
ALLRIGHTS RESERVEDꢀ © 2005 BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH,  
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Strꢀ 36-38, 47877 Willich-Münchheide II, Germanyꢀ  
Telꢀ +49 2154 9206 0, Fax +49 2154 9206 4903  

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